Without You There Is No Me

Can this nightmare truly be over?
Did the heart ache really stop!
What I thought to last forever is now gone.
You killed me with your words.
Left me speechless and broken.
You haunted me with memories...all those broken promises.
What was thought forever is gone!
Slipping through my fingers I can not help but cry.
Such soft lips and warm eyes.
So cold but yet you were mine.
Hate can not grow inside this heart, only what was once there.
Left in the dust the world falls silent.
I’m alone.
Loosing the person I once knew.
You took what was rightfully mine, my heart.
Broken and upset I realize my words have little meaning.
They can not change a thing..
I wish they could.
It’s just not me!
Worthless and a lone.
“Without you there is no me!”