What If?

What if tomorrow never came?
What would you do today?
Would you know what to do?

If you were told you had only one day to live,
What would you do with the time you had?
Who would you talk to?
Would you tell your secret crush how you really feel?
Would you say you loved them?

My mind is spining from all the questions.
But the truth is,
What if has become what is.
Tomorrow will not come,
What are you going to do today?

We take each day for granted,
When really,
Each day is a gift.
At any moment,
Tomorrow becomes a foreign word,
And there is only today.

Only today to show who you really are,
And say how you really feel.
If tomorrow never came,
What would you tell me today?
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I was feeling a little down at the time because of all the drama that was happening at my school