Pay It Away

I can't live another day,
seeing the world the same way,
in this ocean of hate and lies,
not heard until someone dies,
i won't die free of regret,
my life's like a play and i'm burning the set,
opening night there's a full house,
i'm laying in the rubble quiet as a mouse,
there is nothing to be said,
for those of us who envy the dead,
i want a refund this play is a bust,
just like the world in lies we trust,
our lives won't change we won't drown,
we laugh like fools at those who are down,
where's the love in this cold hate,
it must charge a high rate,
because in your heart it's snowing,
while mine is idly glowing,
needing some love in some way somehow,
i won't find it not here, not now,
as i walk through the clouds as it rains,
i remember the love that flowed in my veins,
below me i see as i glance,
at the world that gave me no second chance,
the fires burning in a quiet place,
that was the set that held my old face,
now my world is nothing but ash,
good luck reviving me with all your dirty cash.