Lonely, But Not Alone

She's left out on the street
With nothing but her feet
And heart to guide her to a place
Where there isn't a friendly face
Maybe this was meant to be
Or just God's horrible fee
Shouting at the devils in the sky
Left with nothing but to die
She falls to the ground
With a pound
Weeping on her own dispair
Life is so unfair
She hears light footsteps in the dirt
Looking up from her dirty shirt
And sees a boy of angelic looks
But not like from any books
His hair was as dark as a night's sky
She didn't want to die
He knealed next to her with a flower
She didn't cower
He lifted her head
As if he had a thread
And said "But I love you." With a saddened look
Thats all it took
They both rose
And struck a pose
Walking down that street
With now two pairs of feet