Today is your last day (Part 3)

Now Lets play a little game,
I'll tell you how to play. 
I'll use you, 
then I'll break you,
then I'll throw you away.

Sounds fun doesnt it,
but wait, ive just began.

I'll come to you in the dead of night 
and you wont know who i am.

I'll whisper things into your ear. 
I'll push you up against a wall
I'll take away your choice
I'll know you for a minute.

Shorter than any of your friends
but you'll think of me more often
than you will any of them.

I'll make you hurt yourself.
I'll make you want to die.
I'll make you cry every night
I'll make you feel dirty inside.

I'll make your friends think you crazy
when you dont want to be touched.

I'll make the world look down on you.
they'll call you a whore and a slut.

I'll make you feel the guilt
for what you did

I'll make you feel like a piece of trash
I'll make feel lost and used.
I'll make you hate yourself.

You'll suffer everyday

And nothing that you ever do
will make me go away.
You'll never be able to escape
the nightmare you'll be in.

Once you start you cant stop
So let the game begin.
