A Dancer's Death

A Dancer’s Death
I spin and spin
Dip and jump
I run and leap across the stage
My heart is racing and my hair is falling
Out of its perfect bun
But I don’t care
I’m dancing across that stage
Moving with grace and poise
My limbs move just where I want them
Not too fast, not too slow
On my toes spinning in a perfect circle
My eyes wander toward the darken crowd
I search for the face that will save me
I can’t find it anywhere, no warm brown eyes to console me
Now I dance with sadness, tears streaming down my face
My movements become more fluid and soft
I close my eyes and turn once more to where you should have been
I see red, a color you will never see
Now I dance with anger and I become more risky
Until finally the song is done and I take a bow feeling my heartbreak in two
My knees catch me on the floor, then I fall to my back clutching the heart that has just stop
You come out of the left wing bringing me to your chest
I never saw you again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had this dream the other night. I was doing my solo on stage for my dance recital and I was looking for my friend that said he would be there and he wasn't in the audience. Basically my heart did break and thats what I died from in the dream and he came out of the left wing to me. Yeha creepy i know but there it is all the same.