Always In My Heart

We crossed the street holding hands
Left? Right? All Clear
Straight ahead CRASH!

The crash left us speechless
Pain never to be treated
Tears never stop running down our cheeks

Hand in hand
Nothing changed but
Something’s missing

Now we are carful
We look both ways
And wait for the “walk” signal

The aftermath made us closer
We healed with time
Even though the scars will never fade.

You and I don’t talk about the crash,
Everyone around us keeps the memory for us
We look forward but know to look back every once in a while

We have an unspoken agreement
Forever friends, forever family
No matter what, keep your head up
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is dedicated to my best friend and younger cousin Olivia. About five years ago my cousin, her sister died from a childhood cancer, this poem is about me and olive and how we deal with her death. We are so close and Sophia getting sick made us realize how much we really need to lean on one another.