The Truth

You want the truth?
My truth?
What I think about you?

You're a whore.
A bitch.
Someone I never want to speak with.
I hate your guts.

I want you to die.
But that may be a little over-the-top.

Why can't you just be nice?
Why can't you change back?
I hate you like this,
I really do.

You are...
I can't...
This isn't...

You are amazing.
I can't explain this feeling.
This isn't what it was meant to be.
Don't even start that shit with me.

I can't help but feel this.
I love you.
I hate you.
I absolutely can't stand you.

But this...
This right here...
My heart..
Is for you.

And it will always be right there.
Just for you.
And your selfish ways.