Because You Own The World

Because You Own The World.

Cuz the weather's for rocking the short shorts and knit boots, walk down the sidewalk, yeah you know you're cute.

Girl crank up the stereo to a high 53, and dance your heart out, like no one can see

Cuz sunglasses ain't sunglasses unless they cover your face, and wherever you go, you'll star strike the place

Got your phone in your hand and your heart on your sleeve, get out there and shake it, leave boy's hearts to grieve.

You're a heartbreaker and not the heartbroken. Got those other girls staring with jealous emotions

Hips sway to the music, it surrounds you completely. Claustrophobic pressed in, but room to flaunt beauty.

You don't feel invincible but you are anyways, got a heart like the sun on long summer days.

Troubles forgotten as you lift your hands high, the stars overhead and a blanket of night.

The music is rythmic it's pounding the floor, and you got it going when you walked in the door.

No one can stop you; independent and free. People stand back to watch you and see.

They see how you move, and you don't care at all. They wish they could toss all their stress and stand tall.

The freedom they seek is all in your mind. Got a will like the dying and rainbows to find.

You know what you want, so go out and get it. Dance while you walk, you'll never regret it.

Conquering everything and reach for the skies, green is the color, there's truth in your eyes.

You can do anything you dream up in your head. Because you own the world, the future's unsaid.