Paint a Picture

Let me paint a giant picture,
Using all my thoughts and words.
Where love can be the endless sky,
And heartbreak can be swords.

Where laughter is the laughing brook,
And happiness is dawn.
The red and orange streak 'cross the sky
Like comets; here and gone.

Where smiles can be apple trees,
Budding pink atop a hill.
And sadness can be shadows creeping
Through the cottage window sill.

Where fright can be the dark pine trees
That guard the forest edge.
And pressure can be standing closely
To the precipice's ledge.

Where courage can be shafts of light
Bursting through a broken door.
And comfort is the welcome mat
That greets you from the floor.

Where bravery is fire crackling
In a darkened room.
And being warm when all is cold
Where gloomy prospects loom.

Where luck is a rainbow high above
Injected through the blue.
And blessings are the flower fields
In every different hue.

Where persistence is the bright sunlight
Cutting through the clouds.
And depression is the hazy gray
Limitless in bounds.

Where faith is strong and solid ground
Firm beneath our feet.
Always there to keep us steady
No matter what task we meet.

The strokes of life are strong and sure
Though sometimes filled with tension.
Mistakes and failures do not ruin;
They only add dimension.

You choose the way your life will look,
The colors of your painting.
So make it bright and beautiful,
Though the future may be daunting.