On The Verge of Freedom

On The Verge Of Freedom

On the verge of freedom
Peace is in reach
Elsewhere there may be struggle
But in Harlem hopes double
Though it may be far off,
That doesn’t mean we can’t reach it
And it may seem impossible
But it only will be if we don’t believe.
So have faith in our cultures
That are growing with pride
And their ability to bring change
Whether by speech or by song.
And yes, some tears may be shed,
But you have to hear what must be said.
People should never be defined by the color of their skin
Yet they continue to be, for no one chooses to look within
If they had the courage to look under that cover,
They would see the knowledgeable and passionate lover,
The lover of freedom and all that is right
And creations filled fully with inspiration
That they worked on with all their might.
So choose to listen and learn tonight
From the past, from the present, from everything done right
Watch them dance, hear them sing
And listen to the message that lies within.