Gaurdian Angel

Sand litters the bottom of my bed,
still left over from the memories in my head.
I can feel the breeze on my flesh.
As I stand up for another day and get dressed.

I brush my teeth and look into my reflection
remembering how it felt when you were my protection.
I look glance around the shower curtains.
memories in here will never fade, I am certain.

I tread my feet down the stairs as the morning light peaks through.
Each step I take is one more place I see you.
The light touches my skin for the first time that day.
but in my heart...the light has to go a long way.

I see the water drop from the sink, mesmorized by each perfected ascend into the drain.
wondering if you are the faucet and I was just one drop, just another drop of your rain.
as I grab my bag and slip on my shoes.
I can feel deep inside every black and blue bruise.

Twisting and arching my heart ignites.
realizing the time passes on I have lost this fight.
to step away from love that was lost is hard to do.
especially when the thing i lost was you.

I grab my coffee and walk out the door that was down my hall.
Love scattered across my yard like leaves from fall.
as i climb into my car and sit for a second.
before I turn the keys and start the engine.

I look to the side...where you used to sit.
A passenger in my were a perfect fit.
I pull my car up to the road.
Knowing that it is beckoning me to go....

I drive to the hill once called "summer"
the place we all played when we were younger.
I sat on the edge of a deep precipice.
before i lept of the side of this very steep cliff.

My wings caught hold of the air all around me.
Sunlight broke through my chest and surrounded me.
I took off surpassing the past.
not ever wanting to go back. I am free at last.

I fly to a place i know and bank hard one last time...
to come right above you...looking down at what once was mine.
I shed one tear, and you thought it was rain.
you looked to the skies....but I was already gone again.

up to heaven until my wings were on fire.
I climbed up and up..higher and higher.
I came to the clouds...sat on the edge and let my feet dangle.
I had to leave...I had to come home. I am no longer your Gaurdian Angel.