So Sick

I'm sick of being told it's my fault,
I'm sick of being the one everybody blames.
I'm sick of crying ugly tears,
I'm sick of taking the pain.

I'm sick of wanting to repeat time,
I never wanna have regrets.
But the way my life is going,
I'm so sick I live as I'm dying,

I'm sick of not being good enough,
To be all alone,
And called a lost cause.

I'm sick of wanting to give up,
I've always been a survivor.
I used to take it all in,
Nice and slow...
But this new me only cries.
And cries tears that are empty.
Tears that make me feel unworthy.

I'm sick of hearing sorry again and again,
People don't know what the word means.
So they say it and promise to not do it again,
They do it again anyways.

I'm sick of being sick.
I'm sick and tired,
I feel weak.
They illness I feel,
No medicine nor doctor can cure,
I've got the sick case,
I got 'the-broken-heart'...
♠ ♠ ♠
This one goes out to ItsRoma! who has been a kind and generous friend. She reads and comments and encourages and inspires me to write more.
Thanx for always being ther. Love ya:D
Please comment. your comments keep me going! :D