I know how the world turns inside your head
After everything i say has been said
You seem theres nothing wrong
But when i go home and try to listen to a song...
All of a sudden your crying
And im insides are dying
Because your a mile away
Nothing can change that, no matter what i say
And im stuck over here unable to be by your side
Unable to be there for you to confide
Dont give up...never give up
We are in this together...we can fill the empty cup
Your head may fuck with you...
but dont forget mine fucks with me too
Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight
We can do it, dont you DARE lose sight
Because we have an objective
And even though its...subjective...
Its now time to reach it
Ill fight towards it until i cant take another hit
With you by my side...ill never stop
Not even when im caught
Take POWER in our passion and what its made of
DEFEAT those who would try to strike down our love
We have the power
Dont you DARE sit down and cower
We have each other...and that means they may as well have nothing
Lets fight and show them we mean something
Something more than all we've built
Dont let them think our love will wilt
For it never will
Despite their retarted, ignorant claims and accusations
Against them our blood has immunizations