
Dear police,
He was hurt.
He was raped.
You befriended the rapist.
You let him get away.
Now I don't trust you.
I have tried, but I can't.
You let the criminal get away.
You left my brother in pain.
My brother told you everything.
I may not hate all of you.
I hate the ones who left.
Don't you care about the inoccent.
You just wanted the money.

Dear Dad,
You let your son go outside.
You knew what was happening.
Still you didn't do a thing.
Always on the computer.
I was only seven.
I was the one watching him,
But I didn't know anything.
You're a jerk.
I will never forgive you.
He got hurt.
I don't think you care.
You will never be forgiven.
I say "I love you."
That's because you're my father.
I feel like I have too.
I do, but I don't.
It's confusing.
You weren't there for him.
He should have stayed inside.
Instead he went outside all alone.
He was only ten.
My brother needed you then.
He forgives you.
He always has.
I never will.

Dear detective,
Thank you for being there.
Without you my brother...
I don't know.
I'm glad you were there.
You were the one who cared.
I appreciate only you.
You were there for him.
My father wasn't.
You helped him.
You saved him.
You were patient with him.
He trusted you.
He told you.
You were the only man there.

Dear judge,
He walked in drunk.
He talked in vain.
You let him get away.
He still there.
He drinks to this day.
Tomorrow another child will be raped.
I don't understand the people in this state.
Why did you let the criminal get away?
My brother told you everything.
Now he walks around everyday.
He feels no fear.
He feels power.
Another child will get hurt.

Dear police, judge, and Dad,
Tell me.
When will it stop?
Tell me.
Tell me.
When will he not get away?
Tell me.
Why does he live today?
Tell me.
Will you save the children?
Tell me.
When will you put the criminals away?
Tell me.
When will you start doing the right thing?