
I always questioned love,
Uncertain if it was just a word people say to each other with no meaning,
Or was it just used for certain pleasure and desire.
I tried to find it,
Countless boyfriends and not once have I found love,
And then I met you.
I’m not sure what did the trick,
But I felt drawn to you.
Stupid of me to say?
I know people don’t believe in this.
But it felt as if it was love at first sight.

No one gives me these butterflies like you do.
No one makes me smile by just one simple heart or smile you send to me.
You are the only thing I see now and forever.
You’re adorable,
You’re not exactly perfect,
But you’re pretty close to it.

Baby I love you.

You make me feel nervous,
Making me feel weak kneed.
When I look at you,
I just blush.
You make my heart melt.

So, I Ale Guerrero is honest to god in love with Joseph Bain.
Nothing more to say.
My love is unconditional for you.
You said ‘I love you’
And for the first time, I believe in it.
I trust you,
You are my heart and soul now,
I love you baby with everything I got and could give you.