Little Miss Ashley

Her name is Ashley,
And she's no longer who she used to be.
She used to be strong and free as a bird,
Until the day that she heard,
Her boyfriend was a cheating scum,
Who acted as if he was drunk on rum.
He tore her up and broke her down,
And now she feels alone in this small town.
I see her at lunch, hiding her tears,
I can see what she fears.
She'll look at the 'man' who made her life hell,
Why, oh why, did she bail him out of jail?
"She's a slut and nothing more,
She's just a stupid little whore."
He says those things and worse,
It's as if his lines have been rehearsed.
As the weeks dragged by,
Her 'I'm okay' was not considered a lie.
Because when he walked by, and glared her down,
She just smiled and stood her ground.
Everyone saw the blonde on his arm,
Another one hooked by his devilish charm.
"If you want real advice to make this relationship last,
Do yourself a favor, and dump him fast."
Everyone stared, shocked, not knowing what to do,
Little Miss Ashley was no longer blue.
Little Miss Ashley gave a small smirk,
She had finally stood up to that jerk.
She had sworn in her heart that he would pay,
And now she smiled as he walked away.
Little Miss Ashley, free as a bird,
This is her story, not many have heard.
Thank you for reading Little Miss Ashley's tale,
Until next time, I bid you farewell.