The Kid

I see this kid,
This little kid that stares at me
at every move I do.
The kid sits down in the corner
all alone,
No one there to help or cheer
her up.
She thinks living is pointless.
Every night,
She cries herself to sleep.
Those tears that run down her
AS shinny and clear the tears
might look,
They're ful of pain and lonelyness.
And each tear that runs down her
face represents the hurtful
feelings that people do to her
She fakes a smile.
While deep inside,
She's dieing of pain.
She knows that she can't defend
And as words are said to her,
The wrongs that make the words
come to life.
And as she is a stich slowly making
it into a scar on her broken heart.
She castes more tears on both
sides of her cheek.