Mommy Why?

Remember when you packed me up in the car
You said Daddy wasn't home
And that wasn't okay
That we were leaving
And it would be okay?

Mommy why'd you do that?

Do you remember when we lived with Grandma?
I had to share a room with Uncle Chris
Because you having your own room
Where you never were
Where you never slept
Was more important than me having a bed?

Mommy why'd you do that?

Do you remember when we lived by ourselves
With my two little sisters
And you worked constantly
Never got home till 2 am
Then left when I went to school?
When I used to stay up
And eat Fruitloops because there was nothing else
When I learned to cook and clean for three people
When I was only 6?

Mommy why'd you do that?

Do you remember when you told me you couldn't deal with me anymore?
When you told me you didn't want me around?

Mommy why'd you do that?

Do you remember when you got married and I was your bridesmaide?
When you dragged me away from the only friend I ever had?
When you decided that I couldn't stay with Daddy

Mommy why'd you do that?

Do you remember when we moved here
You told me everything would be alright
This was the place for us
And we would never move again?
That we would stay at the same house
In the same school
Till I left?

Mommy why'd you lie?

Do you remember when you told me I was hopeless
I had no dreams
I had no goals
I would never do what I wanted

Mommy why'd you say that?

Remember when you took away my childhood
When i became your maid
And not your daughter

Mommy why?