
verse 1:
I am the fallen, the broken, alone
The hopeless criple; I can't make it on my own
I'm weary, I'm needy, I'm scared
Afraid that you'll leave me like this lifeless here

Some one come down and rescue me
God send someone to set me free
To make my decrepid state only a memory

Send me a hero, send me a friend,
A healer,
A savior,
A helping hand
Send me someone to help me do more than crawl
I want to walk
I want to stand tall
I want to jump, I want to leap
Into your arms, I want to fly
I want a miracle
I need to be healed

verse 2:
As I sit here waiting for your response
I start to wonder if you heard me at all
And just when I think that all hope is lost
You rush in and answer my call

I don't want anyone loose change anymore
A deep change is what I am dying for
I don't want to just survive
I want to live life

♠ ♠ ♠
This was a song i had to write as a project for school. tell me what you hate' like' find intersting' not interesting.. heck tell me what u had for breakfast if it relates :P
much luv