I Owe My Life To You

Memorys drift through my head
As the water swirls around my feet
And I wade further in...
Floaty rings deflated on her arms
Useless for a five year old
Who knows not how to swim
She dangles her legs over the deck
Peering at the murky depths
Sighting a flower
Not knowing her frail arms are unable to pull it free
Falling down
Screams cut off as water fills her lungs
Eyes closing
The flower still in her little fist
As she sinks
Suddenly he looks up seeing her gone
Running across the planks
Thunder with every footstep
Perfect dive, headlong in
Scooping the child up
Her eyes flutter open coughing up the killer
My eyes wide with relization
Fears finally came true
I was that little girl
Long ago
And I owe him my life
Cousin dear I love you so
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this as a tribute for my cousin. I didnt remember almost drowning till I was at least 11 and my friend pushed me into a pool and I freaked out remembering the day like it was happening. It was scarier than heck. I hope no one else has to remember a memory like that.