
From the confines
Of the social ranks
One child
Can ruin it’s family’s reputation

No sympathy
From the passer-by-ers
No recognition
From our used-to-be friendly neighbors

One child
Ill and broken
Can change my family
Inside and out

Frustration attacks pity
And distrust feeds off the uneasy
Love keeps us together
But only for so long

Taken away
And striped of dignity
Unseen for many months
Visiting forbidden and unwanted

Worry for their health
Can’t think about their sanity
My one, my only, my sister
You are gone

Fit of unanswered rage
Sharp and painful
No one can stop you
They would not want to

I miss you
Even broken as you were
Now in the bleak
And depressing remembrance

Buried dead
White Irises
Adorn your lovely bed
Now we say goodbye

Grieving rarely comes
You were meant to go
Never forget, always forgiven
It was your time

Goodbye my sister
If we meet, joy shall be there
And everyone shall witness
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written about a short story I had to read in my class called "Alicia". I just really connected with the story, and was compelled to write about it. Any comments, criticism or feedback at all would be greatly appreciated