Do You See Her?

Do you see her?

Do you see the heartache?
I ask you, do you see the tears?
Do you see all she's been through,
All her worries and her fears?

Do you see the decisions?
All the bad choices she's made?
And do you see the consequences?
Tell me, do you see her pain?

Do you see the scars?
No, not the ones on her wrists.
Those little scars upon her heart?
Please, just answer me this.

Do you see her secrets?
The ones she's tried so hard to keep?
Do you see the real reason
She finds it so hard to get to sleep?

Do you ever see her smile?
A real smile, with her eyes.
Do you believe her when she says she's okay?
Or can you see through her lies?

Do you see the emptiness?
The nothing that fills her world.
Can you really see who she is?
Do you really think you know this girl?