Choices in Life

Sometimes life has to be hard.
Even in your dreams.
Why would you always want life to be easy?
That would be a boring life.

Think about it,
You get everything you wanted handed to you,
Where is the pride in that?

Pride recieved by working hard for what you really want,
Will be lost...

You'll have nothing to truely live for,
Your spouse will only "love" you,
Not genually love you...
They'll only be the one you want,
Because you wanted them,
And they know they'll get anything from you.

Sometimes you have to go for the second best,
The only you know loves you for you,
Not the one that loves you for your things.

That's not love.
No matter how much you may think you are happy of love them,
Soon you will end up unhappy.
One day, you will having nothing left,
And they'll leave you,
Leaving you with even less than what you had.

But the one that really loves you,
Would live on the streets so long as they were with you.
Cherish every moment you have with them,
Because one day,
They'll have to leave this world.
And you'll be left with the wonderful memories.
The memories of true happiness.