Past The Point

I know you see her,
I know you know what's going on.
She's crying in the corner, so,
I know you know what you've done.

You just had to do it,
Didn't you?
You just couldn't resist.
Now she's broken-hearted.
She has death on her lips.

It may have just been 'a bit of fun',
And sure, you've got your laughs...
But, you've hurt her.
You didn't mean it?
You have.

So, you see her standing up.
You see her drop her bag.
She's in the middle of the playground,
She's about to do something bad...

You just sit there.
You watch on,
As she reaches into her pocket.

You sit still and quiet,
As she pulls something out.
I know you know what it is;
I see it in your eyes -
There's no doubt.

But you'll keep to your silence.
You can guess what she's about to do.
But you'll keep watching, witnessing;
Later, you'll blame yourself.
Later, you'll think, "I knew."

She raises the item to her face.
You look away in disgust.
But is that disgust really directed at her,
Her now lifeless form on the ground?
Or is it yourself you're disgusted at?
You know, you could have turned this around.

But you pushed her past the point.
Past the point of caring,
Past the point of trust,
You pushed her past the point of life,
While you looked away in disgust.