Unfront and discreet.

If you don't tell me, I will not know. The tree's won't tell me. Neither the wind. Nor the earth. You must tell me yourself.
Pure, loud, clear.

You, only you can tell me.

The tree's hides his voices in the leaves. We can't trust him.
The wind speaks her voice too fast. We could barely hear her.
The earth chances often. We can't always count on it.

When your message gets sent out, what if I'm out as well? Drifting in the sea like a lone broken branch, torn from it's roots and tree, sent drifting for eternity. Lost at sea, lost in thought, lost my heart.

While I was popping my head out of the water, I breathed air through my parted lips, my eyes scanning the area I was around. I saw waves, shimmering white and gold, the sun was either rising or setting. At this point, I couldn't tell. Just above the waves, and passing through the red burning sun, was many black dots, caught in the wind.

I took one last breath, and I let myself fall under and into the water. I slowly lifted the lids of my eyes and looked around, taking in my surroundings. I felt my eyes stinging, the salt water burnt, but I didn't mind the pain. In fact, it was there, but I didn't feel it. It was apparent, but who cared? My eyes trailed up swiftly, and I saw the black things carried in the wind above me. I lay beneath the water for a while. A long while... Til everything was black.

You walked along the beach, not allowing the water to touch your feet, but allowing it enough to chill you once it got close enough. You see a large pile of something... then you realize the hair... and the necklace around her neck... You feel your heart sinking... down into the ocean which she died from. You look away for a moment, and up further along the beach. You look at the message you had written for my return.

"Marry me, my love.
Welcome home"
♠ ♠ ♠
Free styled poem.