I Wish...

I wish I could be enough,
I wish I could fall out of love,
I wish I couldn't feel,
This is too cruel, too unreal.

I wish I could go back in time,
I wish I could change my mind,
Then maybe TODAY...
You'd treat me different.
I would be your life not your carpet,
I'd be dignified,
Not called desprate.

I wish I could walk away,
But I can't,
I wish I were her,
But I'm not.
I wish she was free,
And knew she was lucky,
Lucky enough,
That you broke my heart.
You'd pretend for her,
You pretend infront of me.

I wish I was pretty,
I wish I were beautiful.,
I wish your heart chose me,
That I could be her.
Too bad things don't work that way.
Too bad life's not fair.
Sad that you won't listen,
And the fact that I keep wishing,
But wishes don't come true...
♠ ♠ ♠
I wish...,:D
inspired and yes I'm misusing my mibba and poetry-skills as a diary again!
well, BUAHAHAHAAA! you can't sue me bitches! xcept for Roma who I LOVE! <3