When I Was

When I was
A newborn baby
I couldn't see my mother
Ill in hospital she was
So I lived with my grandparents instead
Had to drink goat milk
Spent my first Christmases there

When I was
A little girl of three
My mother had got better
She and I could see again
And loving her wasn't so hard anymore
My parents got me a bicycle for my birthday
I fell with training wheels on

When I was
Merely ten years old
I went to camp for the first time
And there was this adorable boy
My heart decided to beat for
That's when my life changed
A year later I became a "young lady"

When I was
A young lady
I didn't feel happy all the time
I couldn't play with dolls
Because I was "too old"
I had to "be feminine"
And behave well at all times
Since "that's what ladies do"

When I was
A woman
I was always more heartbroken than joyful
I'd had my fair share of boys
Who had all torn apart my easy-loving heart
Is there a nice one out there?
Who knows
I long for open arms
But not out of desperation

When I was
I loved unconditionally
I sang and drew
I wanted
Writing let me be again