-unbroken love-

The dark of the day,
In the midst of summer.
You smile at me in that way,
the way, that no one else can.

It's a smile I will never forget.
From the Love of an unimaginably amazing person,
From the one and only person I'll never regret,
From the only person whom I'll ever Love with all my heart.

She's the one for me.
The world should know,
That we are meant to be.
Even miles apart, we're still together.

No one else can stand in the way,
of our Love for one another.
Even the government won't have their way.
Because our Love is too strong to be broken.

My book is unfinished,
But the pages need the words of our Love.
In the end when my book is finished,
You will be the last one I ever Love.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this because of my girlfriend. Its not the best but I tried, I'm new to writing poetry...