ghosty called pauline

Theres a ghosty about,
in this very merry house,
and its name is pauline,
shes very vey nice when she wants to be,
but tonight she's being mean!

She's kicking and screaming,
but her face is beaming,
she looks kinda silly to me,
she wears a pink feather hat and yellow shoes
in her bonnet there must be a bee.

I tryed to get it out,
but she began to shout,
"I like my bloody bee!"
She floats about like she owns the house,
But shes never layed eyes on the deed!

She's a silly twat,
She keeps stabbing my cat,
I wish she was never here!
Ive got the medium in,
so i can do her in!
take that, you stupid old bat!

________________________________________________________________________________ lol, the last verse was mostly mikeys, i dont think the rhyming is right but hey, he thinks it works so......