I Can't Help

I look at you from a distance,
But you don't see.
How can you not see who I am,
How can you not see what I want?

I can't help,
I can't help it if I stare sometimes,
I can't help if you can't see,
I can't help falling in love with you.

I know it's just another trick of the heart,
But this one feels like so much more.
I have never felt this way before.

I have never felt so in love,
That I would go through all the pain again,
Day after day,
Just to see your face,
Hear your voice,
Feel your touch.

I know that you don't see me the same way,
Because your always with her.
And when I see you together,
My heart breaks all over again.

I stand here,
With a broken heart,
And you don't see,
You'll never see,
That I love you.