Within the Silence

Within the silence many things can be heard
Within the silence many things are to be discovered
Leave me here to ponder a short while
Leave me to be consumed by the trapped words that plague me
I just want meaning
Something to make sense

within the silence many things can be heard
Within my subconscious twisted visions of my fate arise
This to me is no surprise
I beg and plea for some clarity
Some understanding of these complicated conundrums
For within silence these word torment me

The days pass by
The summers get hotter
The winters get colder
Time waits for no man one once said

Within the silence the very dark corners of my mind
Just when I thought this was a sanctuary in which I could hide

Within the silence many things can be heard
Within the silence many things are to be discovered
Leave me here to ponder a short while
Leave me to be consumed by the trapped words that plague me
I just want meaning
Something to make sense