Mother's day (a poem)

Mother's day...
Why must you be so painful?
Remind me of my past...
You make me cry...
Knowing she left...
Knowing Grandma took her place...
Knowing that her abuse wouldn't stop...
Knowing that Mom would still hurt me even today...
Hearing the word Mom makes me cry enough...
But to celebrate her is painful even more...
For her not to know how much it hurts even kills me...
All the tears and torment...
To know you left my Father and I after six months...
I cry every Mother's day knowing...
That you're slowly killing me...
To know I am a Motherless child...
Knowing you never loved me...
Mother's day...
Why must you be ugly?
Why do you bring past demons up?
To know I cry every may...
Why must that day in may...
Be so grey...
To be a black rose...
To know it's the day of not joy...
But the day of death...
My Mother may be alive...
But it's like she is my death...
Mother's day...
I can't stand you...
You're the darkest day of the year...
Knowing that we can never get along...
Please do me a favor...
Change it to where...
I can live again...
So I do not have to cry...
Mother's day.