my hands reach out for something i cant touch
my heart beats for someone who doesn't notice my greatness
my wings are bleeding away just so i can be closer to him
will he ever see the sorrow in my eyes
will i die before he notices my greatness
as i fall from heaven to be with him will he catch me
i wake from dreams that turn into nightmare's thinking how grate it be to cut
but only imagining because i promised i wouldn't
i fight for something that never fights for me
i love for someone to love me but never dose
i sit here bleeding, crying, and dieing for someone that doesn't even care
he will never know my greatness
he will never carry the depression and love that we once shared
if pain is only in the mind than why dose the earth cry rain
why didn't i see that i fell from heaven to only fall in love with a demon
poor me
now I'm in hell not regretting a thing because i fell in love with some one as perfect as him
lust him self choice me and i am ahonerd to die beneath his feet as he never looks at my true self
never looks at my soul
all he sees is another women that fell beneath his looks
lust has killed love
and I'm happy he did.......

shout out to a close friend