
I am dead.
My soul is drifting away
From my body, which
I have left to decay.

I killed myself.
Committed suicide
It took quite long, actually
For me to decide.

There doesn’t seem to be a difference -
Being alive and being dead
I’m still heartbroken, still dismayed,
This has, to naught, led.

I wanted to die, to end the pain
And I have been unsuccessful
For the pain always lives, whatever you do
So killing yourself, really, is never fruitful.

I had a great life, and I threw it away
When I had no right to do so
A lot of people really loved me
And truly wanted to see me grow.

I was cherished, by many good souls
And troubles they gave me one,
And everyone else actually treasured me,
I was prized, except for one.

But I gave it up, all the love
And left them to sit and cry
And now I can’t comfort them anymore,
However much I try.