I'm standing on the ledge of broken dreams
My only alternative to life as it seems
Just to jump off this building and soar through the sky
A place so free where I can spread my wings and fly

Or will the reality hit, throwing me to the ground
A place where silence is the only sound
When I reach the ground and see I couldn't fly
The only truth behind that is I'll die

Do I take the risk or live behind closed doors
Only if my brain wasn't always in these nuclear wars
Maybe you could see the shit I go through
But it doesn't help when I'm snapping at you

Its not your fault I don't want to be saved
I want to escape this life where my lies have always made me enslaved 
Why can't you see I still need you here
So together we can take on my fear

Maybe we can destroy this monster in me
I know you are the only one who sees
So will you stand to my side
And get ready for this hell of a ride