
Growing up with a family, in a town very small
Learning to live life to it’s fullest, even if I never had it all
It may not of been a place, where everyone wanted to be
But it was home, and it meant everything to me
After grandma left, it all went to hell
Any hopes of happiness, crumbled up and fell
Mom tried her hardest, to raise us well and good
But made mistakes, and therefore never could
I managed to keep smiling, only cause of one thing
3 very important people, that kept away the pain
Two that made me smile, no matter what went on
Friends that stayed up all night, talking until dawn
Then there was another, that I couldn’t live without
Always finding something, to talk and laugh about
Soon this small amount of bliss, ended one evening
When dad called and said, “I’ve had it, you’re packing up and leaving"
In the next week, I spent it with that one friend
The one that never left; was there right till the end
In front of the school, on my last afternoon
He came a little closer, and told me “Erica, I love you”
I shook my head, in embarrassment and fear
I was only 11, love shouldn’t be so near
I told him no, that I was moving away
“What!? Why?! Please won’t you stay?”
I turned my back, on an amazing friend
Eyes full of tears, as I saw my dad come round the bend
I got into his van, dreading my new life
Thinking it wasn’t worth it, I’d rather go through strife
But now it’s years later, and the tears still fall down
How I miss that boy, and that hellhole of a town
He’s found someone new, that said she loves him back
Something I could never say, a confidence I lack
I look back on those days, wondering how I could’ve been such a fool
Why couldn’t I have held his hand and told him“I love you too”