I Love You (Cause & Effect)

You know these tears are your entire fault, every single one that falls.

While I sink down into embarrassment, you’ll smile feeling 10 feet tall.

My parents told me I’m too young, that surely it won’t last.

I wish I would’ve believed them, but I suppose the worst has passed.

Because see I don’t cry very often, at least not anymore.

I can force a smile when I’m talking, or answering the door.

I even stopped remembering, the thought of me and you.

I have better nightmares now; I can laugh when I’m supposed to.

Sure it took a lot of years, to get over how you hurt me.

But I don’t wear chains anymore, my strength set me free.

I must hold up this white flag of surrender, what I speak is not the truth.

I must have became foolish, somewhere in this youth

Because these are only daily words, that I must repeat to myself.

Even though they are lies, they keep sane my mental health.

My heart bleeds less for you, every single day.

But the biggest wound still aches, and it’s right where you lay.

I can’t believe that something so true, could be thrown back in my face.

Can’t understand why I can’t let go of it, like some forgotten boy-band craze.

It was just something so simple; I felt I had to say.

I feared that if I didn’t, you’d leave and run away.

I never knew that such a catastrophe would happen, I knew not what you would do.

It still hurts, and throbs, and burns; and it all started with “I love you.”