Independance: All Along

I met this man
So full of life
He made me forget
My troubles and strife
He told me he loved me
Said I was beatiful
I have to wonder to this day
How I could've been such a fool
But for months ahead
I pretended it was alright
I knew what was happening
But turned a blind eye
The extended hours at work
Bad phone reception
But behind it all; one word
I finally couldn't take it
So I pulled him aside
"What am I to you?
Just along for the ride?"
He turned his head
Jaw set tight
Continuing silence
All through the night
I should've left
But I was scared
Of returning to a world
Where no one cared
I burried my worries
In a big numbing pool
Losing my mind
To alcohol
I came home
Around a'quarter to 5
Struggling to walk
Struggling to survive
I was met with face
Full of guilt and concern
I scolded myself
Would I ever learn?
He looked me up and down
Eyes full of disgust
Like I was the one
Not worthy of trust
He then met my eyes
"You should probably leave"
My heart dropped to my feet
As I fought to breathe
I shook my head
Tears brimming
As what I feared came true
From the beginning
He shook my shoulders
"You mean nothing! Get out!
I was right there
He didn't have to shout
I made my way
Across the floor
Holding my head high
As I walked out the door
I thought to myself
With a hint of a smile
Why should I live
The rest of my life in denial?
This wasn't over
I still had a life to live
I don't need love
I don't have to forgive
I walked down the street
Nothing but clothes on my back
Grief and its army
Readying to attack
But I held my ground
Still and strong
Knowing I had it in me
All along