
Do you love me?
Mmhmm (Of course)
Do you want me?
Mmhmm (Always)
What if I was dying?
Mmhmm (I’d be by your side)
Or we were broke?
Mmhmm (All I need is you)
What if I didn’t love you?
Mmhmm (You don’t and it kills me)
Or I had an affair?
Mmhmm (I already know about her)
Are you even listening?
Mmhmm (I always do)
I feel like you just don’t care.
Mmhmm (It’s kinda hard when I know)
We’ve grown apart.
Mmhmm (My fault, right?)
And I don’t feel like us anymore.
Mmhmm (Because of her)
So maybe we should break up
Mmhmm (I guess)
Why aren’t you upset?
Mmhmm (I am more than you know)
I knew you always faked your emotions.
Mmhmm (If you say so)
So I guess this is the end
Mmhmm (She’s waiting outside for you)
I never really loved you
Mmhmm (Just go get in her car)
I never want to see you anymore
Mmhmm (I never want to see you either)
♠ ♠ ♠
It's kinda conversation? I don't know... tryin something here, honestly.
<3 Roxxy