
I feel lost, ignored, and alone right now.
All alone in this big empty house.
Not a friend to talk to, no love to hold me.
Why is it always like this, why do I always want to cry.
I feel lost, ignored, and alone right now.
This feeling makes me want to die.
I always end up like this in the end.
All that is left to do now is go hide.
Hide in my shadowed corner sanctuary, and cry.

My sanctuary holds all that I need.
Tissues, for my eyes and nose.
A brush, for my hair.
A pen and paper, for my thoughts.
My doll, to talk to.
Water and small snacks, to sustain the life within, when I find living to be worth it.
And finaly, the item I look to now,
A blade, to end this miserable life, when I just can't go on anymore.

This little steel blade is my only friend now.
Everyone else has left me,
Abandoned me,
Forgotten me.
I cling to my doll, the blade still clutched im my right hand.
I cry into my doll's shoulder.
He is the only person who understands me.
He knows me better than I know myself.
But today, not even he can save me.

I toss my poor doll to the side,
And bring the cold steel to my wrist.
Tears run down my face.
Thoughts flood my head.
The angel on my left begs me not to,
She tells me this is not the way.
The devil on my right dares me to.
She tells me Im alone in this world, no one will care.
Their talking gives me a headache.
I shoo them away from me.

The cold steel blade rests on my skin.
If I wern't so weak this would be quick.
But my fear of pain makes me stall.
I bring the blade away from my wrist.
Clutch it in my hand.
Pull my legs up to my chest.
Rest my elbows on my knees.
Use my arms to hide my face.
I cry.
My body trembles.
My fists clench tightly.
My right hand begins to sting.
I feel drops land on my head.
I bring my hands down to look.
A deep cut is revealed as I open my palm.
I feel no real pain,
Just a sting.
I breath deep and clear my mind.

My mind made up, I take the blad back to my wrist.
Right as I am about to drag it across I hear a voice in my mind.
" Heather no, you promised me you would never do this again. "
Its his voice.
Why is it his voice is always there when I need it most.
His voice continues to tell me things I need to her.
I love yous and other sweet, sweet things.

I throw the blad away.
His voice restored my will to live so easily.
I know with him I can continue on.
I know life will be wasy with him by my side.
I can turn to him for anything.

As I walk away from my corner I cry.
I hear a knock on my door.
When I open it, Im greated by non other than him.
He looks at my hand.
The blood drips and falls to the ground.
He pulls me close and hugs me tightly.
" Im sorry " I whisper.
" Im so so sorry. I love you "
"I love you too Heather, I love you too. " he says.
He kisses my lips and washes away my tears.
With him beside me, my life goes on.