She Does Not...

She does not realise exactly what she is worth.
If it was not for her, I would no longer be here on Earth.
The days she spends crying just kill me inside.
The way I can see the tears stain her face, makes me just want to die.

She does not realise how she helps.
How she has saved me more times than I could possibly count.
She is so sweet and so kind, but life dosn't seem to want to just let her by.
She would do anything for anyone and yet no one sees how she tries.

She does not know what she means to me.
Knowing what she wants to do to herself half the time, oh how it tears me apart inside.
Although I will never give up.
She means too much, and we are eachothers help.

She does not know she is my gaurdian angel.
Sent here from Heaven to be my light through the dark.
In my life she is one of the few sparks.
And yes, I love her will all of my heart.