Glass in my Veins

It's seems that every last thing that I have earned,
Every last thing for which I have yearned,
Is taken as forfeit because you see fit,
To you, my needs just don't mean shit...

You are the glass in my veins,
You are the source of all my pains,
You are the leech that sucks me dry,
You are the parasite that makes me cry...

Surviving on the scraps that you throw my way,
Clawing in the remnants of my works stolen away,
Everything you are is of my hand,
You're nothing but a plaugeristic bitch with life on demand...

You are the glass in my veins,
Every one of my losses is one of your gains,
I can't stand to watch this persist,
Go ahead and steal my work, please I insist...

How unlucky, I'm suddenly bad at this,
No, I didn't do that, all the work is his,
It's not my fault his talent took a dive,
It's not like I wrote it to keep myself alive...

You are the glass in my veins,
You are the lightning when it rains,
You are the aggravated thorn in my side,
You are the agony that I feel inside...

Your thievery is over, your pedestal is smashed,
All of your aspirations are completely dashed,
All of this pain that I have, that you see,
Is being returned unto you, and I have no mercy...