In His Bucket

He carries all his memories around in this bucket.
Memories of distant pasts flopping around,
sloshing and spinning they show thoughts and images.

He carries all his love around in this bucket.
Vibrant colored rocks touching the bottom,
multicolored and unique the solidity still there.
Warming up the water with it’s tenderness.

He carries all his emotion around in this bucket.
Little fish, emotions showing on their animated faces,
swam the current of his feelings,
rode the waves of his pain,
never stopping their eternal swim.

He carries all his determination around in this bucket.
Explosions of life from the littlest form,
plants rising from the darkest of death.
Following through with his mission, he walked on.

He carries all his desire around in this bucket.
Bursts of bubbles and tickles from algae.
He feels the touch from every living thing.

He carries all his life around in this bucket.
Swirling in his desire for the future,
tempting him to touch the waters depths,
to make ripples in himself.