Love songs

I feel my heart buckle under the pressure.
You asked me to write a love song.
I reply to you that I dont know how to.

I sit at my piano for days.
my head resting on the keys in frustration.
I dont know how to write our love song.

The lines are choppy,
the keys get stuck,
I curse in frustration.
I dont know how to write our love song.

It is slow coming. A slow process.
I scribble out word after word..note after note
and bang my hands down in defeat.
I dont know how to write our love song.

I can start it but I cant end it.
The middle is all I can play.
it goes on and on and never ends...

Maybe that is what a true love song is.
Your feelings are suppose to match the song.
My feelings never end.

It doesnt need roses or candy
no money or outer beauty
all it consists of is your true heart.

I dont know how to end your love song.
Because I am still writing our love song.
Every day is another key.
it may stick or I may play it wrong.
but it is all apart of a beautiul song.