My Past and Present

My mind is forever trapped in the past.
Looking back on my past regrets.
I still feel the sting of the past neglect,
And the pain of losing my father.
I still hear the teasing and taunting
From the cruel people I call peers.
I still taste the tears
from all the heartache I’ve suffered.

But what makes now different,
Is that I’m older and wiser.
I know what happens, happens for a reason.
No matter how awful it may seem,
Things can get better, or a lot worse.
I’ll just have learn to grin, bear it,
And roll with the punches in life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this for my writing class in like 10 minutes.. Hope you like it

P.s: My dad didn't die in case that's what you were thinking.. He's just not around and acting like a deadbeat dad