She Thinks of You

She was sweet,
Like she had all the worlds problems beat.
But she was scared and alone,
Her dark thoughts unknown.
She hid behind a mask,
Fragile as glass.
She was slowly breaking,
But everyone kept taking.
No one saw the pain in her eyes,
No one knows she wants to die.
All alone, she stares at the moon,
And let's her thoughts drift to you.
She thinks about how you don't know,
She thinks about all her woes.
They call her stupid and ugly,
She's forgetting who she used to be.
Now, she's scared and doesn't know what to do,
I fear she will forever remain blue.
Then, when all hope seems lost,
She thinks of you, no matter how much pain it costs.
She thinks of you and how much you meant to her,
She think about how her life is no longer a blur.
When she stands on that cold roof top tomorrow morn',
There will be no reason to mourn.
She'll stand at the edge and scream in fear,
But she'll stop when she sees you draw near.
She'll make a leap of faith,
Thinking she doesn't belong in this world, this place.
She sits in ICU,
Her thoughts not once leaving you.
She thinks of your eyes, bright blue,
She thinks of how your smile is always true.
When she wakes up crying in the night,
With you there, you'll vanquish her fright.
There is one thing I want your mind to dwell,
In the words of Tokio Hotel:
Don't Jump.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not sure if this is any good. I wrote it after being up for over 24 hours and listening to suicide songs (don't ask).