An Introductory Piece

I offer this introduction to those who don't know me
I tend to be a purist and speak proficiently
If you require something more, or perhaps I confuse,
I would be happy to give more to you

I myself, prefer to be at the top of those around
And since I'm already there I shall halt my own sound
And pass this introduction on to the last of the three
His gentle knocking call reminding me
That he has been waiting so patiently

You see, he is quite a success and a moneyed one
Proven by the amount of women he will aquire
He is quite the success and a moneyed one
It is he that these women so desire

His success is evidenced by his lifestyle alone
His carefree trips to the coldest of mountains
His frequent sojourns in his vehicle
His large gatherings to celebrate in late Spring

We often function as a united force
This brings us the admiration of all men and women
We often come together as a united front
The astonishment and pleasant response of our friends

Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Number one in the Hood, G'