I'm tired of

I'm tired of crying every night to go to sleep...
Every morning is the same thing from yesterday...
Everyday my mind say that I'm useless that I'm not worth it...
I'm tired that people yell at me saying that I'm stupid...
I wanna run away from this place i wanna find a new life...
Where i can be happy where i don't have to be depressed everyday...
I wanna laugh i wanna smile i wanna be care-free...
I'm all ways pretending that I'm happy when I'm not..
I wish everything was part of the illusion...I don't wanna be in a reality
I wanna be in my own little world...Where the air i breathe is mine
Where the time is froze and i will never die...
♠ ♠ ♠
I need it to write it down...Somewhere... -sigh-