My World

How would you like to live in a world
Where not a soul knew your name?
And to them your life was just a game.
One in which you could not win or lose
Because you did not get to choose
The way you lived each day.
Broken and bleeding, here I lay.
For what you just heard is my world.

Silenced and shunned by my peers.
Smothered and frightened by my fears.
When I needed a friend the very most
Nothing was there, only a ghost.
A ghost of a memory from the past.
One that could never, ever last.
I always felt so alone.
The empty dial tone of the phone.

And when I stepped up to the mirror
Down my cheek, came a weary tear.
Hate and disgust filled me up.
Not half full, but an empty cup.
So do not bother to wonder why
I had the thought, 'I want to die'
Constantly on my mind.
Because then you will come to find

That all this time, I was there.
I loved you, so why did you not care?
Was it because you did not know
All of the pain my heart has to hold.
All of the suffering that I must feel.
All of the hurt that is very real.

How would you like to live in my world?